• The Bhagavad Gita

    The Bhagavad Gita


    I am not a scholar of this philosophical treaties but a student. Now and then I have been reading this book just for interest but finally, my interest was kindled when my colleague neurosurgeon from Bengaluru Dr. Thimappa Hegde organised an online lecture course for several months with the help of his medical friends and I attended the lecture course throughout with great interest.

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  • The Key to Good Health

    The Key to Good Health


    Health by WHO is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not just mere absence of diseases or infirmity. Health plays a paramount role in our existence. No humans can survive if their health doesn’t support them. Considering the present day lifestyle, more and more people are giving least importance to their health and this has been a major cause for the rising number of diseases.

    In this book, ‘The Key to Good Health’ by the famed Dr. H. V. Sardesai, who has authored plenty of books surrounding health and well-being. This is an informative medical book, wherein the author highlights the importance of health and the key methods to maintain it. A proper nutritious diet, indulgence in regular exercises, cleanliness, hygiene, early diagnosis and timely treatment happen to be the fundamentals of good health.

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  • The Zoo around you

    The Zoo Around You


    Ask any city dweller “Where do you get to see animals ?” It makes one wonder. Just settle down in a cosy corner and enjoy reading the verses in this book to know all about it.

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  • This is my Visiting Card

    This Is My Visiting Card


    This book is an autobiographical account, written with personal dimension, family life, bureaucratic complexities, relationships with politicians in power and vast experience of the jungle life, with trees and animals. Singh’s indomitable courage, his unbelievable tenacity, his zest for life, his courageous fight with cancer, his faith in the life force is transparent in the book.

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  • Touch of the Healing Knife

    Touch of the Healing Knife


    In his autobiography Dr. Anil Gandhi has expressed valuable views on investment planning, evolution of earth and life and professional ethics. It is full of ideals and inspiring to the common man.

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  • Trailing the Tiger

    Trailing the Tiger


    The tiger is an apex animal of our ecosystem By protecting it, we can protect ourselves and our future generation. Trailing the Tiger’ by Atul Dhamankar is an extensive informative book on wildlife wherein he has captured every essence of this beautiful species in a prolifically. This book covers an in-depth detail about the national animal of our country. The author begins the book giving a brief insight into the origin of Tigers and goes on to touch the different facets of his encounter with the species. Through the book, he also tries to instate in the minds of readers the importance of Tigers in our ecosystem and the very need to safeguard it from extinction. This book can be called a definitive guide to gain knowledge about Tigers, the royal predators of the ecosystem and the abounding connection man share with nature.

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  • Until Medical Help Arrives

    Until Medical Help Arrives


    What can be done to find a proper way out of the emergency situation in order to provide proper care to the patient till the patient gets medical attention? Prepared this book of the measures suggested by Dr. H. V. Sardesai simple home remedies and the precautions to be taken in medical emergencies, one can be implement by simply referring to the book.

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  • Walk Jog Run

    Walk Jog Run


    A healthy physique and mind is the storehouse of cherishing life. Everything depends on how well you treat your body and what you do to maintain it. ‘Walk Jog Run’ is an inspirational narration written by Dr. P. S. Ramani with the view of inculcating in the present generation the good habit of Walking, Jogging and Running in our daily lifestyle. Dr. P. S. Ramani is a famous author who has penned numerous books on medicine, health and well being. In this book, the author has highlighted the advantages of living a healthy life by imbibing good habits.

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  • Wilderness



    Wilderness is a collection of three long short stories by Shri Vijay Kuvalekar. The three stories have very different characters but a common thread binds them all—that of a quest, spiritual and personal. The characters go through myriad emotions, analyse their relationships, their past and present, and seek answers to complex questions. The narratives are cinematic in nature, the characters come alive, the suspense is tight, the twists and turns, many and unpredictable… the tales take you along on their journeys and may just open the doors to your
    own journey of new perspectives…

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  • Will - When & How to Execute

    Will: When and How to Execute It


    Legal reference book on Will, Benefits, Prerequisites, Registration

    Every one desires to dispose off his property (movables, immovable and intellectual) as per his wishes. Only way this can be done by executing a WILL. Disposal of property during life time involves risk and can prove problematic. WILL must be legal and executable and therefore requires to be executed while in good mental and physical condition. Every individual with disposable income must execute a WILL for disposal of all his property as per his desire and legal obligation. This book by eminent Lawyer gives practical and legal guidance for effectively dealing with the problem. Book on this subject in Marathi by the author is very popular and useful and is in 7th edition.

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  • अंतरंग - लेखक : डॉ. प्रसाद मोडक



    आंतरराष्ट्रीय कीर्तीचे डॉ. प्रसाद मोडक हे पर्यावरण क्षेत्रात गेले अनेक वर्ष कार्यरत आहेत. कामानिमित्ताने डॉ. मोडकांची जगभर भ्रमंती चालू असते. त्यातून त्यांना आलेले काही अविस्मरणीय अनुभव आणि त्यातून उदभवलेले काही चिंतन या ‘अंतरंग’ मध्ये प्रतिबिंबित झाले आहे.

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  • अनादिसिद्धा लेखक - भूपाळी निसळ



    निपुण देवालये, लेणी देणाऱ्या अनेक साम्राज्यांच्या इतिहास चाचपडताना दिसत राहतात गाळलेल्या जागा, संस्कृतीतील पुराव्याच्या. त्यांच्या श्वासांची उत्खनन करताना जाणवतात, व्यापून टाकतात – इतिहासात कुठेही इवलालेली अस्तित्व मागे न सोडणाऱ्या शिल्पिनी. आजचे बदामी म्हणजे चालुक्यांचे वातापी अन तिथल्या भव्य लेणी. या लेणी घडवणाऱ्या स्त्री कलाकाराची… ‘शिल्पिनी’ ची काल्पनिक कादंबरी – ‘अनादिसिद्धा’

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