Our Story

Welcome to Inking Innovations, where words come alive and stories transcend boundaries. Founded in 2013 by the visionary Anand Limaye, Inking Innovations is not just a publishing house; it’s a celebration of literature in its myriad forms.

Over the past six years, we’ve woven a tapestry of nearly 100 books, each a gem in its own right. From the historical insights of Dr. Dhananjay Keer’s “यांनी इतिहास घडविला” to the captivating autobiography of Governor Ram Naik in “Charaiveti Charaiveti,” our collection spans genres and languages, reflecting the rich cultural mosaic of India.

Delving deep into Marathi literary treasures, we’ve unearthed hidden gems like Shripad Ramchandra Tikekar’s “Musalmani Mulkhatli Mushafiri,” meticulously researched and brought to light by Manisha Tikekar. Our recent tribute to the dynamic work of our Honorable Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, in “Junya wyasthanna hadra denara Sarjak” (The Creative Disruptor), adds a contemporary touch to our legacy.

But our journey doesn’t stop at preserving Marathi heritage. We believe that great literature knows no bounds. That’s why we’ve embarked on the exhilarating task of translating Marathi masterpieces into English. From the profound insights of Dr. Arun Tikekar to the captivating narratives of Bharat Sasne’s “Two Friends” (originally “Don Mitra”), we’re breaking language barriers and sharing the wealth of Marathi literature with the world.

At Inking Innovations, every book is more than just a publication; it’s a conversation starter, a thought-provoker, and a beacon of knowledge. We invite you to explore our collection, where every turn of the page unveils a new adventure, a new perspective, and a new connection with the world of words.

Join us on this literary odyssey, where stories come to life, and imagination knows no bounds. Welcome to Inking Innovations – where every book tells a story, and every reader becomes a part of our journey.

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