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सय ‘सवाई’ची

Author: Vijay Kelkar


खरं तर या स्मरण रंजनाला मी लेख, पुस्तिका वगैरे म्हणणार नाही. मला वाटतं श्री. विजय केळकर यांनी रंगवलेला हा मनातल्या भावनांचा एक गप्पांचा कट्टाच आहे. गप्पा थोड्याच पूर्वनियोजित असतात? त्या स्वैरच असतात आणि सहजही असतात, म्हणून आपण वाचक (किंवा श्रोते म्हणा) केळकरांच्या गप्पांमध्ये अडकून पडतो आणि आपल्या समोर त्यांच्याबरोबरच ‘सवाई’च्या ह्या असंख्य आठवणी उलगडत जातात.

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The “Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Mahotsav” is an Indian classical music festival that has its popularity spread internationally. This music festival is celebrated in Pune since 1953. The book सय ‘सवाई’ ची is a memoir of author’s experiences of 25 years while he was volunteering as a “Dwarpal” for “Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Mahotsav”. In this book, the writer takes the readers through his experience with the guests, audience and their human nature that he observed during his days of volunteering at the music festival.

The book provides readers an insight into how there has been a drastic change in the presentation of Sawai Gandharva Bhimsen Mahotsav. Along with reminiscing all the mesmerizing moments he spent over the years, he also mentions how even though the festival has turned grand, yet there is missing an element of fun. Yet it seems missing in all the commercial ads and logos that have replaced the decorations prepared using marigold flowers and other traditional elements on the stage. Further, he also acquaints the readers about the change in the duration of a performance by an artist due to a gradual increase in the number of artists performing in the program. But even midst this he adds, the positive thing that the festival provides is the enjoyment of listening and meeting a number of artists who showcase their immense talent on stage during the five-day festival. The author through this book touches the varied facets of the music festival and recounts his experiences, thereby making it an engrossing read for the readers.

Pages: 80
Language: Marathi
ISBN: 978-81-940890-6-3
Binding: Perfect
Size: 7.5″ x 7.5″

Additional information

Weight 0.2 kg
Dimensions 19 × 2 × 19 cm




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