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सखी सूत्र

Author: Medha Kirit


इतके वर्षं एक कार्यकर्ती या नात्याने आणि लोकप्रतिनिधीची पत्नी म्हणून मी जास्त बारकाईने त्यांच्या जीवन संघर्षाचे निरीक्षण करते आहे. त्या निरीक्षणावर आधारित माझ्या नजरेतून आज शिखरावर पोहोचलेल्यांचा पाया कसा मजबूत असावा लागतो त्याचे शब्द चित्रण आहे. समाजापासून अनभिज्ञ, अनेकदा प्रसिद्धी परान्मुख, तरीही प्रचंड क्षमता आणि बुद्धिमत्ता आणि उज्ज्वल करियर असणाऱ्या ह्या माझ्या सख्या. उद्याच्या इतिहासाला ज्ञात राहाव्यात. कुठेतरी नोंद असावी. त्यांच्या जीवनगाथेमुळे पुढील पिढीला मार्गदर्शन मिळणे मला गरजेचे वाटते. ह्याच उद्देशाने मी लिहिले. अशा या माझ्या सख्या आणि त्यांचे सखे ‘सखी सूत्र’.

10 in stock


Looking for best novels in Hindi? Your search is over! “Sakhi sutra” is one of the best novels based on the struggles of the BJP leaders. sakhi sutra is a spotlight on the struggles and unimaginable support of the families of the legendary leaders of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

In Lok Sabha elections of 2014, The RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) embodied leadership was rising and beginning to shine. The stars seen by common people shining on the political Panorama were not independent individuals alone, but were also backed by consistent hard work and contributions of many.

For many years, the author Medha Kirit had observed their life struggles as an activist and as a wife of a people representative. Based on these observations, she came up with “Sakhi sutra” book This unique book talks about, how a strong foundation is laid for the people who triumph in their life aspirations. Those who are away from publicity or unknown to society but who have intelligence, capability and a Bright Career are her “sakhya”.

The basic intention of authors writing is that, somewhere down the history cognizance of their deeds be taken and registered so that their life can prove to be guidance for the upcoming generations. These are author’s “sakhya” and their “Sakhi sutra” or ground rules (of successful married life).

Pages: 132
Language: Marathi / Hindi
Binding: Perfect
Size: 5.5″ 8.5″

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 14 × 2 × 22 cm




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