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तुझ्याशीच बोलतेय मी



३०-३५ वर्षांपूर्वी सुप्रसिद्ध चित्रपट अभिनेते आणि शांभवी यांचे पती श्री. जयराम हर्डीकर यांचे अपघाती निधन झाले. प्रेमाचा डाव नुकताच कुठे रंगायला लागला होता. दोन गोजिरवाण्या मुलींनी जयराम आणि शांभवी यांचे कुटुंब साकारले होते. एकसंध असे हे कुटुंब एका क्षणात विसकटून गेले. शांभवीला खरेच वाटेना की, आपला निरोप घेऊन गेलेले जयराम आता परत कधीच परतणार नाहीत. पण म्हणतात ना, ‘बाईचे पहिले प्रेम कधीच संपत नाही.’ शांभवी सगळे सोपस्कार पूर्ण करीत, आपली कर्तव्ये पाळीत जगत राहिली. पण प्रत्येक क्षणाचा साक्षीदार होता जयराम.

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Tujhyashich boltey mee by Shambhavi Hardikar is a beautiful account of the author in memory of her late husband Jairam Hardikar. Jairam Hardikar was a famous actor from the Marathi Industry who has played a notable role in the 1979 Marathi political drama ‘Sinhasan’ and ‘Sarvasakshi’. In this book the author shares her reminisces of the time spent with her beloved. The book takes the readers through a beautiful journey of her times spent with her husband, the memories of which she has penned in the form of poetries and journal from the time she met him until now.

The author Shambhavi Hardikar takes the reader through a beautiful journey, down the memory lane sharing the fondest memories and time spent with her husband. Shambhavi Jairam Hardikar is the wife of Late Jairam Haridkar who was a renowned actor. The sudden demise of the actor had left a vacuum in the heart of the author who was left bereft of her beloved. Soon on slowly getting over the trauma, she took up to writing. This book is an autobiographical account of the author wherein she has beatifically penned her thoughts throughout. It also includes pictures that aids the reader connect emotionally with the content in the book.

Pages: 80
Language: Marathi
ISBN: 978-93-5137-640-8
Binding: Perfect
Size: 5.5″ x 8.5″

Additional information

Weight 0.1 kg
Dimensions 14 × 1 × 21.3 cm




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