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मोटरमन म्हणून असलेले त्यांचे अनुभव अक्षरश: चित्तथरारक आहेत. मग गाडी खाली येऊन आत्महत्या करणार्‍यां संबंधातील अनुभव असोत वा चळवळ करणारे आंदोलक गाड्या पेटवून द्यायला येतात त्यावेळचे वातावरण असो. रेल्वे ड्रायव्हर्सना दररोज अग्निपरीक्षेतून जावे लागते.

श्री. विनायक रत्नपारखी यांच्या अनुभवांचा अनुभव देणारे हे ‘जंक्शन’ तुम्हांलाही एका निराळ्या ट्रॅकवर घेऊन जाईल.

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‘Junction’ by Vinayak Ratnaparkhi is an autobiographical account of his days as a train driver and his quests. The book is co-authored by Sawni Kelkar. Through this book, he has beatifically put across to the readers the quests and turbulences faced by the drivers in railway. The life of an engine driver or a railway driver is not an easy one. Day in and day out they face numerous situations this needs them to stay in their wits and sense. A single turn taken wrong can put millions of lives in danger. This very thought and many of his experiences are highlighted in this autobiography prolifically rendering to readers a sneak peek into the lives of engine and train drivers.

The author through this book i. e. Junction – autobiography of a driver touches into various aspects of a driver’s life. Every day they come across plenty of situations such as suicides, stress due to work, continuous working hours, the responsibility of lives, etc. are conditions which is no less than an examination. The book is an excellent medium for gaining a first-hand narration about what railway engine drivers face on a daily basis and are constantly pitted in the junction of life and death. This autobiography of a railway driver book certainly makes a one-stop destination to gain an overview of the life of railway drivers by a former driver who has elucidated his quests in a beatific manner.

Pages: 160
Language: Marathi
ISBN: 978-81-930643-0-6
Binding: Perfect
Size: 5.5″ x 5.5″

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 20.3 × 5 × 25.4 cm





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