Sathya Vagale

Sathya Vagale

Sathya Vagale is an architect and city planner by profession and holds a post graduate degree from the University of Delhi. His interest in photography started during his College years. He has been handling a camera for the past 55 years, but it is only in the last 12 years that he has been able to pursue his passion aggressively. As a wildlife and landscape photographer, he has travelled to most forests in India, and to different geographic regions such as Masai Mara in Kenya, Iceland, Ecuador in South America and the Svalbard Arctic region near Norway, USA and Sri Lanka. He is also into fashion photography and has clicked nearly 300 models in Bangalore, Singapore and Malaysia. He is highly experienced in shooting products such as jewellery and sarees, and portfolios based on different themes.

Books By Sathya Vagale